NaPoWriMo Day #1
Today's prompt: "Write--without consulting the book--a poem that recounts the plot, or some portion of the plot, of a novel that you remember having liked but that you haven't read in a long time."
This is a poem based on what I remember of a scene from Savvy by Ingrid Law--one of the best books I read in elementary school, but haven't read since 😅 Enjoy!
Sir Lester
Lester and his bus of pink Heartland B-bibles,
All lankiness, limbs stumbling, mouth flapping, throat bobbing:
A mess at first sight.
Now in the diner, he is drawn up into a knight
(trembling, but what knight hasn’t?)
as he stares down the greasy dude with fire in his eyes and tells him that
th-the lady won’t be working here no more.
His voice still stutters, but his heart is still and steady.
A punch—
A flash—
And Lester defeats the dragon.
he and her collide like comets in the parking lot:
Knight and damsel in a clumsy (holy) embrace,
two mouths drawn together as inevitable as magnets.
He spins her around and their sweet passion bursts in stained glass light,
Haloing all our faces
and warming us down to our cores.
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